In other words I'm not FINISHED watching the Giants and the Browns. A few observations about the first half of this game that I'd like to record while they are still fresh in my mind.
1. Eli Manning still looks like he has turned that corner. All the talk last year was about whether or not Eli Manning had "IT" all throughout the regular season and I'll admit I wasn't sure if Eli had "IT". I remember quite a few Sundays on the couch pulling my hair out yelling at the television after Eli threw an interception or walked off the field with no expression on his face...Ask a Giants fan and they will know exactly what your talking about. Anywho, Eli Manning looked VERY solid in this game. Now granted Cleveland is not known for having a stellar defense but Eli was carving them up fairly easy. Point goes to Eli on this night, I like what I see here and for you Fantasy buffs out there I'd feel pretty good moving Eli up a notch or two on my QB rankings this year... I think he's primed for a mini-breakout season. It can only be mini since he already has a Superbowl MVP under his belt but remember, he wasn't great last year so look for him to hang around late in drafts... he's not a sexy pick but that can help you if you decide to wait for a QB.
2. D-FENCE!!!! Wow, that defense still looks just as good as it did in the Super Bowl when they were busy wiping the floor with Tom Brady down after down. I thought they might miss a beat after losing their vocal leader Micahel Strahan but clearly this has not impacted them at all. A new leader will emerge on this squad and Justin Tuck is just an absolute beast back there. They were all over the Browns and Derek Anderson, who I might add seemed to walk off the field with what they were calling a concussion. Bad news for Cleveland fans.
3. Cleveland a flash in the pan?? Ok I know its only pre-season and most teams save their offensive fire power for the regular season. No Braylon Edwards so I have to take this performance with a grain of salt but damn that offense looked terrible. The offensive line looked horrible and they are supposed to be one of the best in the league. Jamal Lewis fumbled a perfect hand-off close to the goal line that was returned for a touchdown by Big Blue and then Anderson left the game after getting his clock cleaned one last time. Brady Quinn looked decent when he came in and replaced Anderson, drove the Browns down the field for a touchdown.
Conclusion - Eli Manning is legit, the Giants defense is still totally legit, the Browns still have some work to do and are now going to fool anyone this season. Giants are indeed the defending SuperBowl champions and playing like it. Don't expect a huge let down this season Giants fans I think we're in for a solid season.
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